Friday, March 14, 2014

Special Teams- The Middle Creek Way

Here at Middle Creek High School with our team we focus equally on all 3 phases of football games (offense, defense, and special teams).  We do this knowing that each week if we win at least 2 of the 3 phases we will like come out as the victor.   The key focus for our team is always playing fast...Tempo! Tempo! Tempo!  Our offense is no huddle, our defense is fast-break with many checks on the field, and our special teams unit is fast and aggressive.  Game planning and practice preparation is equally distributed among all 3.

We have been able to create a culture among our team where EVERY player wants to start on special teams.  The key for players to buy in is to compete and be aggressive.  All football players want to make big plays and score points.  Therefore we don't just practice schemes and technique, but situations as well. We work on blocking kicks, downing punts, kicking field goals as time expires, onside kicks, and/or fakes daily.  That way when it comes time to execute in the game it is second nature.

Each Monday in the season we have a special teams specific practice in where the entire team competes in drills for each unit of special teams.  The players that perform the best on Monday either move up on the depth chart or maintain their position.  The special teams depth chart is updated throughout the week and new charts go up in the locker room after each update.  Each player knows their spot and who they back up.  During the week specific units are built in to the daily practice schedule some have specific days but all are covered numerous times. Each Thursday all players that play on special teams attend a special teams meeting where each unit is covered with cut-ups of opponent film and any other final tips and reminders.  Following the meeting the team goes through a walk through on the field of special teams, then splits offense and defense. Before the pregame meal on game day, we go through a special teams checklist where the players of each unit stand up and once their name is called they sit down and their back up stands up.  This provides accountability, awareness, and ownership among the players. From that point on all preparation is done and it is time to dominate and WIN!